Hatred's Log Place


Jul 20, 2015 - 2 minute read



DokuWiki plugin that embeds a Google +1 button in your pages.

Default settings embeds button only to footer of BlogTNG entries.


  • Work with latest DokuWiki version (via 2012-01-25 “Angua”)
  • Configuration via Configuration Manager:
    • Google +1 Lang
    • HTML element for prepend or append Google +1 button code
    • CSS
    • Default post image (aka repost logo)


Q: When I try to repost message on Google+ (move mouse on Google +1 button and wait for a some time) I view wrong description text. How I may fix it?

A: Google use microdata ( en| ru). Plugin can provide next data:

  • name
  • description
  • image You simple should modify your template and next code to `` tag:
<html ... itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Blog" ... >

more about schems you can look at http://schema.org/ and via next links:

Q: When I try repost on Google+ I view wrong image.

A: Currently plugin does not detect post images and provide it as repost logo but you can set universal logo in configuration manager (default_post_image parameter)


  • Detect page image and provide it as microdata


You need DokuWiki greater or equal to 2012-01-25 “Angua”. From this version jQuery is present in wiki core.

Also you can try run it with more old DokuWiki and jQuery plugin: http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:jquery


You can install plugin via Plugin Manager and next link:


Plugin based on googleplusone version by Pztrn: http://pztrn.name/dokuwiki/googleplus that based on original googleplusone plugin by Markus Birth: http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin%3Agoogleplusone

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