Hatred's Log Place


Dec 12, 2011 - 1 minute read - programming

Qt Creator & doxygen

Сегодня пролетело в рассылке:


Qt Creator master has recently got a feature, which has been requested a few times, for Doxygen blocks generation. If you type /** or /*! and press enter/return before a declaration, you’ll get something like:

 * <br/>param data
 * <br/>param options
 * <br/>return
QString generate(const Data &data, const Options &options);

You can also opt whether or not you want an additional <br/>brief command and leading asterisks for comment continuation (when breaking lines). The options are in Text Editor->Completion->Documentation Comments.

Notice that the style is identified from the comment beginning. If you start it with /*! then the Qt style is used. Otherwise, the Java style with the @ prefix for the commands is picked.

Cheers, Leandro

Проверил - работает, удобно :)

Tags: programming qtcreator soft

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